Thursday, October 11, 2012

First grayling trip

It was the 11th of October and it was grayling time.
The river level was back to normal and with a light breeze, things were looking good for my first go at the "ladies of the stream".
I knew of some nice grayling holding spots at Wolfclyde Bridge that had produced some descent fish in the past. 
All prepared for a bit of hiking along the river, I set off upstream to the first spot.

                                                  A lovely spot on the Clyde

 My tactics for the day was to use my #3--10ft rod with a large klinkhammer as an indicator with 2 bead head flies below, fished well over depth.
I began at the top of the run and started my way down.
Making three fan casts upstream of my position I guiding the flies down at the speed of the current.
A step down-then the same again.
I had travelled down for about ten minutes without a touch, so I increased the distance from the klink to the point fly with the dropper 20"up the line.
I estimated that the water was about 4ft deep so I was now fishing over double the depth.
First cast, instant success, a nice grayling had latched on to my point fly and after a brief struggle it was in the net.

                                                         Safely in the net

My next fish came shortly after, followed by a nice out of season trout of about one and a half pounds.
I continued on going back up and down the run landing 8 nice grayling, all of which were over the pound mark.

                                                  On her way to fight another day

I had arrived at the river at 1pm and it was now 5pm.
I had fished for 4 hours, delighted with my afternoons fishing, I decided it was time to head home.
I never had time to fish the other spots--going to save them for another day.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Last day of the trout season

That's it, the 6th of October has gone and the trout season has now ended.
It was nice to get out on the last day and I was lucky to catch 3 trout, not big ones, but a pleasure to catch, as the river had been in spate for nearly 2 weeks.
I am now going to tally up my trout catches for the season and send them in to the club
 (Lamington Angling).
The season started with a bang, I caught on the first day, but things quietened down a bit mid season.
However I didn't have many fish blank days, catching a few grayling towards the end of the season.
So I am now going to give it a few days rest and then start again fishing the river for grayling.
Same tactics as for the trout but I will fish the known haunts of the grayling to try and avoid catching out of season trout.
I will also watch were I am wading to make sure I do not disturb the trout Redd's.
You are allowed to use bait while fishing for grayling but I will stick to the fly- ain't going to be tempted to stick a maggot or worm on when things get hard.
My club waters are open from now until the end of January, then there is a month and a bit rest when the new trout season starts on 15th of March.
We have some big grayling in the Clyde and hopefully I can tempt one this year.
As the river temperature drops the grayling start to shoal up, its just a matter of finding them,so I will have to be prepared to cover a few miles along the river bank.
Lets have some good weather before the winter is upon us. " Fish-on."

                    My last trout of the 2012 season, I must try and take some better shots.