Friday, August 17, 2012

Emerald Isle

As my daughter had come over from Canada to England for a couple of weeks and as she had arranged to pay a visit to her mother in Ireland, I thought it would be a shame for me not to make the effort to meet up with her for a couple of days.
So it was off to Dublin I went, by plane from Edinburgh, just a 50 minute flight to the capital of Ireland, then a hop on the train, 3 hours later I was down in Waterford to hug my daughter and grandchildren.
I use to go over there regularly every year bass fishing but not this visit, my stay would be taken up entertaining my daughter and her family.

                                                   Well! someone has to be first in

In between the visits to the local shops, the seaside and eating out, I managed to escape for a few hours to relax and sample the local brew.
One thing about Ireland is there are plenty of good pubs, all selling excellent beer.

                 However, not everyone likes the taste of Ireland's favourite tipple.

It was an enjoyable couple of days, but was soon over, I am now back in Edinburgh getting my fishing gear ready.
I wonder how the Clyde is fishing?