Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nice November day up the pond.

I was going to go to the Clyde today but after checking out the river water levels and finding that they were still a bit high, I decided to venture up the pond instead.
My mum had been pestering me about a trout for her tea, so I decided to give it a go,must try and keep my mum happy musnt I.
First it was into the hut to make a hot coffee and a bacon roll, while having a good look out the window across the water for rising fish." Nothing moving-so its going to be a bit hard" I thought.
Pushed - out in one of our rowing boats to mid way down the pond and gave it a hour or so -changing flies every dozen casts with no luck.
Moved a couple of times and ending up at the top of the pond without a bite.
It was now mid afternoon,I had been on the water for 3 hours and I was getting a bit cold.
Although there was very little wind and it was a cloudless sky,when the sun gets low, the temperature plummets.
"Looks like my mum is going to be disappointed today-I will start rowing back towards the hut and maybe give it another half hour near the moorings.Last chance." I said to myself.
First cast- bang! I was into a good fish-short tussle and safely in the net.
"My mum will be pleased with me" I thought, while walking across the field to my car.

A nice 2lb blue trout caught mid November 2010.

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